Willing Hands 20th anniversary celebration - photos
An event to thank all those who volunteer and help us serve the communities in the Upper Valley
Good morning Norwich and the Upper Valley
I had the opportunity to attend the 20th anniversary celebration that was held at Willing Hands on Thursday October 10. I took several photos and have included a few in this story. You may also see some photos from Doug Hardy.
The celebration started at 4:00pm and ran until 6:00pm. The facilities were open for touring the place Willing Hands calls home. The participants took some time to chat with the staff, board, and volunteers. There were kids' activities and a scavenger hunt for all ages. In addition to light refreshments, Tug Mountain pizza was on site and fired up pizzas to keep everyone nice and warm. The program began at 5:00pm. Many individuals that have been essential to the success of Willing Hands over the years were recognized and even though the weather was a bit chilly and damp the event was well attended as you will see when you view the photos that are in this story. I would guess that 100-130 community supporters were at the event.
Here is a summary of the event agenda that was provided to me by Willing Hands.
A bit about the program: Gabe Zoerheide, the executive director, and other leaders and volunteers will speak about Willing Hands over the years as well as what the future holds. Some volunteers will be recognized, as well as the COOP, a critical partner in the initiation of the organization 20 years ago now, and still today. The founders will also be recognized, and Willing Hands will announce the initiation of the Sunny Fields Fund, in honor of Jack and Terry Lyons. This Board-designated fund will support the long-term health and viability of Willing Hands, ensuring that their legacy of compassion and service endures for years to come.
photo courtesy of Doug Hardy
A preview of some key vehicles that help move produce out and about the
Upper Valley
A closeup of the presentation table and final preparations
Tables are set and ready for a party (editors note that is my pizza and I loved it)
And just a little preview of one of the food tables (photo courtesy of Anna Cloutier)
This photo courtesy of Doug Hardy and the pizzas are just about ready and
The pizza was provided by Tug Mountain Pizza
This event was a very nice way to show thanks for the volunteers and the important work that they do for the community.
This poster says it all with a couple of smiles of course
Milt Frye and Teresa Lyons sharing a moment together
And here are just a few that have paid their dues
And a few more who love what they do.
This poster will highlight Willing Hands mission statement and strategic plan
Willing Hands Strategic Plan
Board of Directors from 2004-2024
Registration and welcome committee (photo courtesy Doug Hardy)
Event attendees signing the guest book
Gabe Zoeride, Executive director of Willing hands getting ready to start the presentation.
As the crowd gathers around
The pizza must be good as this trio of volunteers are smiling also
And the deserts were great also according to Sandy and Reeve
With a nice cake to help celebrate the occasion
These two photos are courtesy of Carolyn Frye and are of the wash station with info regarding the prep for these containers to be made worthy of the produce they will carry.
Cheryl Lubin in action with the power washer ... part of the team of 6 on the dedicated volunteer Water Park crew.
Hundreds of red bins and b;ack crates get washed every week. This is fundamental to making the operation run smoothly - the bins and crates get filled by glean and garden volunteers and our farm partners with fresh produce, then are stored in the warehouse, loaded onto a Willing Hands truck and delivered to 80 service organizations throughout the Upper Valley. When drivers deliver the filled bins and crates to our recipient organizations they also pickup the empty dirty ones and bring them back to be washed in the Water Park.
Containers ready to use
Walk in cooler
Produce is brought in
And will be neatly inventoried be ready to redistribute
A fresh catch so to speak
And always time for a quick tour
And the greenhouse a place for warmth to grow and to keep cool too!
And one final photo of one of the more colorful trucks
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