Good morning Norwich and Upper Valley readers. I hope everyone is doing as well as you can during this difficult time. In an effort to keeping you informed about services that you have come to depend on, I am posting this announcement from Willing Hands.

Responding to the coronavirus crisis:
Dear Friends,
We want you to know that the Willing Hands team is working hard to ensure that the needs of our neighbors are met during these alarming, challenging, and ever-changing times. We are doing this with new protocols to maintain the health and safety of our staff, partners, volunteers and food recipients.
Our free delivery of nourishing food is an essential service for those families, seniors, and vulnerable individuals, and we do not plan to stop operations during this crisis. Instead, we aim to do more to meet the need for food assistance that is only growing by the day.
In coordination with our partners, and as part of Upper Valley Strong, we are developing an Upper Valley Food Security Plan to support and strengthen the local community efforts. We will work closely (with needed social distancing!) with these vital organizations to ensure that no one in our community is left without food.
---------------------- Important Updates: ------------------------
The Willing Hands office in Norwich is currently closed to the general public and only accessible for the support of essential services. You can always call (802) 698-0265 or email
Volunteer events that put our volunteers in close quarters and without proper social distancing outside will be postponed until further notice. We do expect that volunteers will continue to play a critical role in our operation, but we will be updating our current volunteer guidelines and opportunities in light of the COVID-19 crisis:
If you are signed up to volunteer, but if you feel unwell, STAY HOME and take care of yourself and loved ones.
If you, or someone in your household, is of the age and health status to be considered a high-risk category for COVID-19, please do not volunteer.
All volunteers will be asked to wash their hands immediately before participating (as well as during and after as necessary), and will maintain needed social distancing at all times.
Some upcoming volunteer opportunities we anticipate may include:
Dispersed outdoor events such as gardening or gleaning
Picking up and dropping off food with a personal vehicle
Making phone calls from your home
Please let us know by emailing if you are interested in helping out with any of these opportunities.
We are incredibly grateful for your support, and want to extend our own well-wishes to our whole community. We will continue to create connections, leverage good will for the greater good, and bring nourishment to those who need it most during this stressful time.
From all of us at Willing Hands,
Thank you

Copyright © 2020 Willing Hands Inc., All rights reserved.
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