Yes, the 5th season of Norwich is officially here
Mud season has arrived and Mail Box repair season is next
This morning I was tasked with repairing a mailbox on Bragg Hill Rd. It was apparently one of the recent silent auction items that was available through the Norwich Women’s Club and the Citizen of the Year celebration. As I was leaving and heading back home I noticed the Town DPW grader coming the other way heading toward Tucker Hill Rd. I looked around for my cell phone and realized that I left it charging at home. I went home and returned to take some photos of the work in progress. Yes, “Mud” season is here, and the DPW is doing a fine job of re-grading the road.

Safety signs are always nice to see before the work area to warn drivers

Which way did he go?

Oh! I see he went that away (a new direction in Vermont)

No more potholes or bumps here and this will be much nicer for us to walk the dogs

I continued on to my way to find the grader

Oops! there it is heading towards me
I quickly switched to video to capture all the excitement. Check it out

Doing a fine job Mr. Tibbetts

And here is the mailbox that needed repair

I then continued on to Tucker Hill Rd and then Beaver Meadow towards town.

I took a slight detour to check on my baby (This was the first silent auction mailbox that I installed the other day.) There is one more lucky winner out there and I am waiting for you to flag me down. I wanted to get these done as the Covid-19 pandemic is making daily life a little unpredictable right now. I will try to be ready for you. It looks like season # 6 Mail Box repair season is fast approaching. If you would like to have yours repaired or replaced, then reach out to me at
I will put you on the list and try to get these done as soon as the situation improves out there.
Take care all and please be safe out there.

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