Here is your latest update, and if you click on the link you can see a day by day. Thanks to the efforts of the Norwich PD, and Chief Jennifer Frank who take the time from their day to day duties to keep you updated.
27. Daily COVID-19 update: 04/18/20
From: "Frank, Jennifer" <Jennifer.Frank@vermont.gov>
Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2020 20:40:44 +0000
Daily COVID-19 update: 04/18/20
1. Current VT COVID-19 case status:
• Positive test results: 803
• Total tests conducted: 12,566
• Deaths: 38
• Hospitalized patients with COVID-19: 32
• Hospitalized patients under investigation for COVID-19: 24
2. COVID-19 VT Cases by Age Group:
0-9: 1 10-19: 16
20-29: 102 30-39: 117
40-49: 110 50-59: 165
60-69: 125 70-79: 89
80 plus: 75 Unknown: 3
3. VT COVID-19 Positive Cases by Race:
* White: 94.99% (97.63% not hispanic / 2.37% hispanic), Other: 1.81%, Black: 1.67%, Asian: 1.39%, American Indian/Alaskan: 0.14%
4. The Dept. Of Labor expects to clear most claims issues by this weekend. Individuals with claims that are not cleared by today will be issued a $1,200 payment.
5. Phase 1 REOPEN VT: Eff: 04/20
* Outdoor Businesses & Construction Operations - Those who exclusively or largely work outdoors (such as civil engineering, site work, exterior construction, skilled trades, public works, energy and utility work, mining, forestry, environmental monitoring, landscaping, painting, tree work, parks maintenance, delivery work, etc.) may resume operations with a maximum of 2 total workers per location/job. Interior construction may occur in unoccupied structures, adhering to social distancing standards, with no more than 2 workers maintaining social distance between them whenever possible. Supporting services that were not previously deemed essential may resume operations with the minimum number of employees necessary to support curbside pick-up and delivery services; adherence to the mandatory health and safety requirements and compliance with 1.2 below required.
* 1.2 Retail Operations: Retailers, including those that operate in an outdoor setting, may conduct limited operations such as curbside pick-up, delivery services, and warehouse or distribution operations in support of curbside, or delivery. All orders must occur over the phone or online; no in-store transactions are allowed at this time. Only the minimum number of employees necessary to support curbside pick-up and delivery services are allowed at any one store, site, or location.
* 1.3 Low or no contact professional services - Services operating with a single worker (such as appraisers, realtors, municipal clerks, attorneys, property managers, pet care operators, and others) may operate if they can comply with the mandatory health and safety requirements listed above, with no more than 2 persons (service provider and client) present at one time. If your business or circumstance does not meet these criteria, additional guidance will be forthcoming.
Link to resources and information:
Chief J. Frank
Norwich, VT Police Department
10 Hazen Street / P.O. Box 311, Norwich, VT 05055
(802)649-1460 (Office)(802)649-1775 (Fax)

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