Good Morning Norwich,
I must have overslept this morning as I usually send this to you earlier, however it is Sunday and that makes it ok, I guess.
Here is the puzzle that seems to be mighty popular with my readers. I missed sending it once or twice figuring that it was being seen elsewhere like on Daybreak and the Listserv as well as the Norwich Historical Society website, however I received several e-mails from my readers asking why it was not included so here it is:
Here's your Sunday jigsaw: <goog_1296159008>
With spring training underway and the Hopkins Center construction heading
toward completion this fall, here's a look back at the spring of 1959,
showing intramural baseball against the backdrop of the girders of the
rising Hop.
Photo courtesy of Dartmouth College.
Cameron Cross
for the
Norwich Historical Society <>
Marion Cross school newsletter has been published for this week and I have included it here.
Important Dates
Tuesday, March 4 - Voting Day
Wednesday, March 5, 6:30pm - Norwich School Board Meeting, MCS Library
Friday, March 7, 6:00-8:00pm - BINGO Night, hosted by the PTO
Monday, March 10 - Teacher In-Service, No School
Friday, March 14 - Family Conferences, No School
Thursday, April 3, 6:00-7:00pm - Chorus Concert
Monday, April 14 - Friday, April 18 - April Break, No School
Marion Cross School Website Calendar SAU 70 All School/District Website Calendar
Message From The Principal
Teaching Democracy: Bring Your Child to the Polls!
Democracy is strongest when every voice is heard—and that includes the voices of our future voters! Town Meeting Day is a great opportunity to introduce your child to the democratic process and show them the importance of civic engagement. Bringing children to the polls helps them see firsthand how decisions are made in our community and instills lifelong habits of participation and responsibility.
We encourage families to attend the Town Deliberative Session on Monday, March 3, at 7 p.m. at Tracy Hall (300 Main Street) and to vote on Tuesday, March 4, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., also at Tracy Hall. By involving your child—whether by discussing the ballot, letting them see you vote, or talking about the issues—you help shape informed, engaged citizens for the future.
To spark conversation, consider asking your child:
Why do you think voting is important?
What decisions do you think towns need to make to run smoothly?
How do you think voting helps make our community better?
If you could vote, what issues would matter most to you?
Let’s make democracy a family tradition!
Have a lovely weekend,
Student Services Update
The Creative Preschool in S. Strafford is hosting author Kim John Payne in early March (3/7 & 3/8). We are all very excited because, to many, Kim John Payne is of celebrity status! Here's a link to his website: Simplicity Parenting
Would you be willing to help us spread the word? Kim John Payne will be speaking and leading a workshop on his book "The Soul of Discipline". The content applies to all people that work with children in ALL stages of development: toddlers to teens.
From KJP: "Because so many of our parenting and teaching challenges occur naturally as part of child development it is possible to anticipate these difficulties and to prepare for them in advance. For discipline to be effective it must always begin with preventive discipline. This presentation will provide a developmental roadmap to help parents and educators establish the kind of discipline that is both nurturing and effective."
Hope to see you there,
Counselor's Corner
Welcome to another exciting week in Class Counsel with Ms. Keel. We’ve been diving deep into our feelings and safety lessons, and I can’t wait to share what we’ve been up to and what’s coming next! Let’s jump right in!
Last week
In Kindergarten, we introduced the topic of feelings through the delightful book The Way I Feel Too by Janan Cain. Our little ones had a blast exploring different emotions! In First Grade, we wrapped up our Safety unit by reviewing the Three Ways to Stay Safe and all our important safety rules. We even applied our knowledge to a story about a boy who uses these strategies to keep himself safe. In Second Grade, we began reviewing the Zones of Regulation, focusing on the Blue Zone. Third Graders kicked off their unit on Emotions with a lesson called "Why Emotions?" where they explored what emotions tell us. In Fifth Grade, we started our health unit by watching and discussing What is Puberty? Lastly, Sixth Graders continued with our Bullying Prevention unit, learning about the role of upstanders.
Next week
Looking ahead, Kindergarten will be discussing the feeling of sadness. First Grade will start a new unit on feelings, focusing on Noticing Feelings. In Second Grade, we will continue with the Zones of Regulation, exploring tools and strategies to help regulate feelings in the Blue Zone. Third Grade will delve into angry feelings, learning to differentiate between feeling annoyed, angry, and furious. Fifth Grade will watch the video Girls and Puberty, which provides an overview of the physical and emotional changes experienced during puberty for those born female at birth. Here is the link to the parent/caregiver letter that was sent home before February break. Finally, Sixth Grade will discuss the importance of standing up and staying safe.
Things to remember
As we continue our journey through feelings and safety, please remind your children to express their emotions openly and to practice the safety rules we’ve learned. Encouraging conversations at home about these topics can reinforce their learning and help them feel more comfortable discussing their feelings.
Until next time!
Thank you for your continued support and engagement. Together, we are helping our students grow into emotionally intelligent and safe individuals. I can’t wait to see what next week brings.
Warm regards,
Ms. Keel
School News and Information
Looking ahead - MCS Band performances!
Were you wondering when you could hear the glorious sound of the 5th and 6th graders and their band instruments? Well, wonder no more! There are two performances coming up. First, plans are under way for the FIRST EVER SAU Bandfest! We are planning on putting on a joint concert with bands from the Ray School, Richmond Middle School, and Hanover High School on April 23, 2025! Stay “tuned” for more information. Second, please mark your calendars for our annual Mayfest celebration on the afternoon of May 22, 2025. In addition to listening to some great folk music and watching all of our fabulous children dance, the band will play a few short selections!
After School Opportunity!
Jillian Van Ells and Caitlin Eastman will be offering an 8 week after-school program on Mondays (3:10PM-5:00PM) starting on March 10th and ending May 5th! The Program is open to kids in 3rd-6th grade. We will look at the graphic Novels Yummy (a history of desserts) and Tasty (a history of yummy experiments) both by Victoria Grace Elliot. We will then make foods from the books and create our own visual recipe cards (think Molly Katzen...). If you are interested please email Ms. Eastman at We have 8 openings and it will be first come first serve! We are excited to read, cook and create with your kids!
PTO Bulletin Board
PTO Upcoming Dates:
Friday March 7th: PTO Meeting, 8:15 AM
Friday March 7th: Bingo Night, 6-8 pm, more info below
Friday March 21: Winter Grant cycle closes
March 28: Mudstomp! More info below.
Join Us for Family BINGO Night
Friday, March 7 | 6:00-8:00 pm
MCS Multipurpose Room
The PTO will host the annual Family BINGO Night Fundraiser on Friday, March 7 from 6:00-8:00pm in the MCS Multipurpose Room. All MCS families are welcome for a fun evening complete with a local celebrity caller, prizes for BINGO winners and sweet and savory goods for sale. We'd appreciate your support!
Sign up here to volunteer at the event and/or to contribute food items to our sweet and savory goods for sale.
Donate a prize for BINGO winners. We love repurposed treasures from our own homes! Gently-used toys, puzzles and games make great prizes (no stuffies or books, please). A collection box is in the front entryway.
Buy BINGO cards and food! Bring cash or check to purchase BINGO cards and sweet and savory snacks for your family. Funds raised support various PTO-sponsored events and other projects at school.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the PTO at
We look forward to seeing you on Friday
for a fun night of B-I-N-G-O!
Put on your party shoes...Mud Stomp is March 28, 6-8 pm
Come out for a night of dancing, live music, and family fun! Please join us as David Millstone, former MCS teacher and veteran contra dance caller, leads the Mud Stomp in the MCS Gym. This is an event for kids of all ages (please, no drop-offs). $10 per person or $20 per family. All proceeds will directly benefit our teachers and students!
Sign up to bring an item for the bake sale!
Courtesy Community Interest Posts
22 Church Street
Norwich, Vermont
Thanks for reading and supporting my newsletter