It's a superb article and I enjoyed looking at these beautiful oaks in Norwich, both of which could have been used for years as safe and "natural" supports for ham radio wire antennas. I was truly disappointed to see the two instances of ERROR in the piece (using IT'S when the proper term would have been ITS):
"Making it’s way back down so that the last piece is manageable from the ground" and "Inching it’s way to the top".
It's a superb article and I enjoyed looking at these beautiful oaks in Norwich, both of which could have been used for years as safe and "natural" supports for ham radio wire antennas. I was truly disappointed to see the two instances of ERROR in the piece (using IT'S when the proper term would have been ITS):
"Making it’s way back down so that the last piece is manageable from the ground" and "Inching it’s way to the top".
IT'S is a contraction of "it is".
ITS is a possessive pronoun -- just like hers, his, theirs, yours, etc. There is no apostrophe.
Thanks for your updated info, I have made the corrections, but do want to point out that these are not "Oak" trees, They were red pines