Jim Harlow, American Legion Post # 8 commander for over 30 years passes the torch to a new commander.
Good evening Norwich and Upper Valley readers and residents,
This story is not a day in the life story per se, however more like a 30 year stint in a leadership position that is focused on primarily helping every veteran member be better informed about the services that they are now entitled to. This is a story about Jim Harlow, our post commander who recently passed the torch over to Jeff Goodrich our new commander. There are a few photos that will help tell this story.
In 1992, American Legion Post # 8 Commander Earl Thompson had decided it was time to pass the torch so to speak to a new commander. Earl had held every position in the post and towards the end all of them at the same time. The post at the time consisted of 3 officers and one member. The Commander was Earl Thompson, the Vice Commander was Jack Fraser and Peter Batson served on the executive board along with Earl and Jack. The one member was Jim Harlow.
Commander Earl Thompson opened the meeting and the first item on the agenda was to elect a new commander of the post. Jack Fraser suggested rotating the position back to one of the three officers, however no one was interested in stepping forward at this time as Jack held the position once or twice before and Peter Batson was just getting his feet wet and was not quite ready for the assignment yet. (Editors note: he did get elected at a later date and served for several years while Jim was out on an assignment in the western part of the country.)
A nomination for commander was brought forward, a vote was taken and the one member … Jim Harlow was elected to serve as commander. Jack Fraser became one of Jim’s biggest supporters in years to come.
Commander Jim Harlow now had a rather aggressive agenda as the floors were all warping and needed to be replace, trees were growing dangerously close to the building and the roof needed to be replaced. All of this was completed with the help of local volunteers, and members of the community. A thank you was always given in person to all who helped out. Oh! and I must not forget to mention the new paint job on the building done by legion members also.
Jim had a goal to increase membership and recruitment was done mostly by getting the word out to veterans that served their country, letting them know that the post was there to serve them. Some of the volunteers who helped out soon became members. Heman Durkee and his brothers William and Leonard joined the post. Gary Watson, the new police chief in Norwich also joined the post as did many others.
At this time the post also became an official non-drinking post which helped cut the Insurance and liability costs by 50 %.
The very first bake sale at the legion post was held to raise some dough as the post kneaded it if you know what I mean. It was a success as it raised $ 50.00 and helped with the heating bills. Members also donated money to buy and replace the old windows with more energy efficient ones and each window now has a little plaque thanking those who bought it. Again the volunteers jumped in to make this happen. Donald French helped by building office and storage spaces in the building in honor of his brother Tom who was a member. Leonard Cook donated a brand new septic system. There are countless other local contractors who have assisted and still do, however they wish to keep it simple and remain anonymous.
The Home Depot foundation was instrumental a few years ago by donating $ 60,000. worth of labor and materials to completely renovate the legion post building. They brought in their own crew and with the assistance of some legion members completed the task.
Jim also started a newsletter to keep members up to date and properly informed on Legion happenings and programs available to them and their families and it is going strong to this day under the direction of Paula Stevens.
Jim Harlow served as our commander for over 30 years and during his time away on assignment for a period of almost four years, the position of interim commander was filled by Robert Kruse, Frank Read, Norbert Whitman ,Peter Batson and Lyle Favreau. It was a nice way of training members to become leaders and knowing that it was a temporary assignment was helpful in recruiting them. Most recently Peter (PJ) Kasper was added to that List.
On the subject of recruiting, I would say that Jim has been very successful in that also as our little post has received accolades from the Department of Vermont American Legion headquarters. We currently have 72 members in our post and are at almost 80% towards our goal of 100. If you would like to join our post contact Rick Murray our adjutant officer at: rickm710@comcast.net or talk to any of the members that you may know and they can get you an application or to membership chairperson demosofronas@gmail.com. We meet on the first Monday of every month at 7:00 pm at 228 Beaver Meadow Rd in Norwich Vermont.
Ok now it is time for the rest of the story:
Jim Harlow served on several committees at the state level and also held the position of Windsor County Commander and Fifth District Commander while still serving as our commander. Another one of Jim’s mission goals was to inform the public about veterans and the service that they provide to their country. He has done this part of his job well in that he has involved the community organizations and the citizens to be a part of our ceremonies some of which include our annual Memorial day parade, and veteran’s monument dedication ceremonies.
While talking with Jim for this story he said : “ Expectations of leadership were never known but happened as things progressed”. There was some Irony in Jim’s life also.
His dad was in the first class of 1934 at the Norwich Elementary School which today is called the Marion Cross School. Marion Cross was serving in her first year as the principal there. Jim attended the last class of that school in 1964.
Jim graduated from Hanover high school in 1968 and received a bachelors degree in business administration from Columbia University and a masters degree from Boston University in human services and human resource/education.
The photos below will show some of the meetings and events that Jim has presided over during his tenure as the American legion Commander. Jim recently passed the torch over to our new commander Jeff Goodrich. We are thankful for Jim’s leadership abilities and wish him the best and know that when we need his guidance he will only be a phone call away.
Thank You,
Demo Sofronas for about Norwich
Now enjoy the photos that were taken over the years, There are many over the 30 years but just like Marine Corps slogan use to say : The few, The proud the Marines, you only need a few to get the message out.
Our Post commander for over 30 years standing tall and proud to have served his post and the community.
Yes! The proceeds from cribbage help keeps the lights and heat on.
The lights will stay on Thursday nights in hopes of greeting some new great cribbage players.
Here Jim is ready to invite new members to the post: We meet at 7:00 pm on the first Monday of every month.
Contact Rick Murray at rickm710@comcast.net or Demo Sofronas at demosofronas@gmail.com if you would like more information and an application.
This Civil War Honor roll piece was, found, rescued, and preserved.
Past National Vice Commander Linda Pelham swears in newly elected officers for 2023-2024 at our June 2023 meeting.
Jim Harlow on behalf of the post congratulates our new commander CSM Jeff Goodrich and turns over the reigns so to speak.
Past National Vice Commander Linda Pelham presents Jim Harlow with a certificate of appreciation and wishes him well on behalf of the Department of Vermont American Legion.
CSM Jeff Goodrich addresses the post as the new commander
L to R Department of Vermont Commander Catherine M. Tester, Jack Myers, Ella Rom Tesone and Jim Harlow Post # 8 commander. These students ran a road race and helped raise money for veterans causes.
The Commander asking some questions and must of liked the response as he is smiling.
A testament to the commanders desire to identify with other community organizations. The Norwich Lions, Women’s club and Historical Society were on hand for this event.
At our annual Toast to the services event, our Post # 8 Commander, Jim Harlow welcomes all veterans, families and community members. norwichpost8@aol.com There was plenty of refreshments on hand also.
This is the latest Memorial day parade event and the full story is here. Click on the blue read full story link below this photo.
Our American Legion Logo!
Commander Jim Harlow saluting and paying tribute to all veterans during a Veterans Day ceremony.
Commander Harlow Commander Harlow getting ready to start the event. He always reached out to the youth groups and school children in Norwich.
Many quilts have been presented over the years and these are the photos from just one evenings presentation.
A quilt is being presented to Sgt Richard W. Murry Jr.
A quilt is being presented to SP4 William J. McCormick by Dot Plume
And a quilt is presented to Cpt. George D. Fraser also.
Commander Jim Harlow presents Dot Plume with a thank you and some flowers
Norwich BSA Troop 253 always ready to get the job done and assisted the legion members in getting the flags placed on the headstones.
Commander Jim Harlow getting ready to speak at a memorial day ceremony.
And in case you missed Chad Finer’s video of last years Veterans Day ceremony here it is.
A VETERANS DAY DEDICATION OF NEW HONOREES - in Norwich, Vermont on November 11, 2022
From: Chad <chad.finer@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2022 22:44:52 -0500
VETERANS DAY - dedication of new honorees - in Norwich, Vermont on November
11, 2022
Chad Finer
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Demo Sofronas for About Norwich
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