The Doctor's Buggy is now complete
A project that took some time and care to build by a master (model) builder
Hello Norwich and the Upper Valley,
I am posting the latest hobby project of Arthur Emile Sauvigne, M.D.
At the end of this story, I have included the links to a couple of others that Arthur has completed in case you missed them.
The Doctors Buggy is complete. It is 1:12 scale. I may manufacture a folding top out of brass wire and construction paper. I will also figure out how these buggies were harnessed to a horse. There were two bent poles (called Tugs or Traces) attached to the front axle to which the horse was lashed. That will be simple to fashion out of steam bent cherry wood.
I found this color scheme in an old Sears ad...the green undercarriage/gearing was an extra expense as were the leather seats. The leather choice was either brown or burgundy. (Ad attached above)
Here is the undercarriage which I found more interesting than the box-like body. All the brass works are hand made.
..and here is a simple jig to keep the wheels from becoming revolving watermelons.
The lugs or trace to link a horse…should not be too hard to create
This is in NY around 1910. These buggies were still in use into the mid 1950s throughout rural Appalachia!
I made my home based primary care VA house calls with a Ford Escape AWD from 2012-2015! I still have my doctors' bag from Columbia graduation 1972.
Here are the links to the other projects that Arthur has completed: