Spooky but nice to get you into the Halloween spirit. A photo essay
In two days Norwich will once again become a spooky but fun place to be.
Good evening Norwich and the Upper Valley,
As many of you may already know Norwich is a fun place to be on Halloween Night. Parents, children, relatives, and friends all take to the streets mostly in costume to trick or treat and just have fun. The purpose of this story/photo essay is to prepare you for a night of fun.
I am attaching 3 story/photo essays of last years event also so you can see just what the evening will be like and even compare with this years.
These two photos were sent in by Kate Thatcher not sure if night or day is a better time to trick or treat as it is spooky either way
See what I mean!
Oh no, I am not done trick or treating yet (This photo and the next 3 photos were sent in by Jennifer Fogg.)
I like pumpkins but I think I will pass on these
Eye see you!
Come on Zoomie it’s time to fly around Norwich once again
Would someone give me a hand please, I need to get into my costume and go trick or treating.
I will help you says the black widow spider
How cute!
Now that is a cool web site
Not sure if they are happy or sad but it is appropriate for this holiday season
I told you it is time for dinner now pick up your toys and come in to eat
Wagon Ho!
A nice display
Something will surely be brewing on Main street in Norwich on Halloween night
A place for everything and everything in its place.. a neat display also
Come on in for a cut and perm why don’t you.
When the fan is on these little ghosts and goblins spin out of control.. Boo Ha Ha !
The front door is crawling with spiders.. beware!
Do you suppose the dragon is protecting these fury pets or should I say pests.
Not sure I want to knock on this door on Halloween night but I will need to to get my trick or treats. Anyway, I am not afraid of ghosts just skeletons and spiders.